A Dynamic Innovative Media LLC : 202009210433 Hollywood, California, CA 91206 USA
Creative Film Academy
Film Making
Turning your idea into a script
- Script & character breakdown
- Production design & scheduling
- Raising fund for your film project
- Setting up your film ultra low budget
- Forming cast & crew for your film
- Essential lighting, filming, & Audio
- Film editing software
- Finishing a movie adding a cinematic look
- Review of the local & foreign distribution options
- Many detailed steps and tricksThe videos include lectures, demonstrations and examples illustrating the data I'm sharing. This course also includes sample spreadsheets, contracts, and a listing of additional resources. you may get all the forms and resources i take advantage of to form a movie.
- Upon completion of this course, you ought to have the data you would like to successfully make a motion-picture show to be distributed round the world. Similar courses are very expensive at other film schools